Unblock your path to success and start a business in the futureproof drainage industry alongside Drain Doctor, the UK's No.1 Rated Drainage Franchise according to Trsut Pilot.
Explore this business opportunity in Brighton with an existing client base, and huge growth potential all under an established national brand!
Are you looking to start a business in an industry that will always be in demand but don't want to start from scratch?
Drain Doctor is the UK’s largest drain clearance and emergency plumbing company. Established in 1994, Drain Doctor has completed over half-a-million jobs since then, providing an essential service to homes and businesses nationwide.
Don’t worry, though, you won’t be getting your hands dirty yourself. Instead, you’ll employ trained local engineers to complete the call outs, while you manage and market the business that can quickly deliver a six-figure income. In fact, as a Drain Doctor franchise owner, you have the opportunity to generate £1million in net profits over the next 10 years.
Why Brighton?
• The business has immediate potential for growth by expanding the team.
• The business has great foundations with an excellent local reputation.
• Brighton has plenty of opportunities through Drain Doctor's national accounts contracts.
• The Drain Doctor brand is well established within Brighton.
• Buy an area with an existing client base for the same price as a brand new area with no previous trading experience.
After several years at Drain Doctor, the business owner has now decided to move away from the business and seek a new challenge. This presents an opportunity for any driven individual to take over the business and build it to new heights.
To find out more, please request more information below and our team will be in touch, forwarding you the prospectus for the Drain Doctor opportunity
Greater London, London
Розміщено: 07 лютого 2025, 19:18
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