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Manufacturer Of Fertilisers And Nitrogen Compounds For Sale

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3 €
Размещено: 07 февраля 2025, 19:18 Поделиться
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Manufacturer Of Fertilisers And Nitrogen Compounds For Sale

3 €
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Alex M. На Inveboss с 01.12.2023
A 20 year established manufacturer of fertilisers and nitrogen compounds.

The business works closely with customers and monitors both soil and crop health on a continuous basis.

Customer engagements start with an audit and then the company can advise on the best products that each specific client needs.

They make bespoke products when required although the extensive product range is usually adequate.

Key strengths include:

- Developed unique products that help farmers to reduce or eliminate the need for chemical-based products this also reduces carbon loss and improves plant and soil health plus nutrition.

- The business has a unique method of converting products into a spray on liquid product, this acts as a natural soil and plant growth feeder

- The business has many different types of bacteria and fungi that they can blend for crop and soil specific applications

- The business has developed a soil analysis to identify "locked up" minerals they can then apply specific products that can release "locked up" Phosphate and convert Atmospheric Nitrogen that plants can access which means growers can reduce or eliminate Normal chemical based fertilisers.

- The Agricultural industry is going through quite dramatic changes as farmers move to no till and direct drilling, the business has been promoting these concepts for 20 years and has customers that have been with us since the beginning.

For further information please get in touch with Richard Long or call on

Financing maybe available for appropriate buyers
Greater London, London

Размещено: 07 февраля 2025, 19:18


3 €
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Alex M. На Inveboss с 01.12.2023

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