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Selling an online real estate portal an agency

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ab 45,000 €
Gesendet: 07 Februar 2025, 19:18 Aktie
3 Foto

Selling an online real estate portal an agency

ab 45,000 €
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Schreiben Sie dem Verkäufer
Andre Smith An Inveboss ab 17.11.2023
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Sale of a multilingual Internet portal for real estate in Europe

An existing business selling European real estate is for sale. The sale includes a brand, a base of interested customers - 200 contacts, a self-written website with very fast loading, a database of objects on the site of 56,500 objects, a database of partner agencies, social networks. We are an online sales broker. Our network includes more than 200 partner agencies in 16 European countries, through which we carry out transactions. We are looking for clients who are interested in buying real estate in any European country, they go to our website, choose a location, look at properties from our partners, leave a request, then give additional offers and bring them to a deal. The project has been running for half a year. 1 of the clients is currently considering a property worth 500,000 euros in GreeceSpain, and we also provide all the documentation for it. Reason for sale is to focus on other business. They were sold mainly to Israelis. There are managers on desk time, a Hebrew-speaking sales person and a sales director, developers can remain. We have our own IT and marketing team that can be involved in promoting the product.
Wer hat gepostet
Art der Transaktion
Verkaufsbedingungen, %
Amortisationszeit, Monate
Gründungsjahr des Unternehmens
Hilfe bei der Auswahl eines Teams, Schnelle Amortisation, Kostenlose Eigentümerschulung, Kostenlose Mitarbeiterschulung, Support rund um die Uhr, Fertiger Businessplan, Keine Räumlichkeiten erforderlich, Hilfe bei der Werbung, Automatisiertes Geschäft
Website, social media, customer base, knowledge base, social. networks
Die Anzahl der Mitarbeiter
Link zur Präsentation

Gesendet: 07 Februar 2025, 19:18


Andre Smith 04 Dezember 2023, 12:43

Pitch - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OFCdgIL7PnM01Q8Sd5XagNHStsIskbu2/view?usp=drive_link
ab 45,000 €
Telefonnummer anzeigen
Schreiben Sie dem Verkäufer
Andre Smith An Inveboss ab 17.11.2023
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Telefonisch bestätigt
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