This resale, established in August 2016, presents a rare and exciting opportunity for prospective buyers to acquire a unique, successful, and proven business franchise, ensuring a secure financial future and a flexible and enjoyable lifestyle.
Floral Image is a sustainable flower service that offers remarkably lifelike flower arrangements to businesses through a regular monthly hire arrangement. Customers pay a monthly rental fee for each arrangement and, in return, receive a visit once a month to deliver a fresh display. Excitement brims among customers as they eagerly anticipate these visits, looking forward to the arrival of their fresh flower displays. The appeal of Floral Image's service lies in its simplicity; no floristry skills are necessary. The displays are delivered fully assembled and ready for use, sourced directly from the Franchisor, who meticulously manages all aspects of production, assembly, research and development, ensuring that the designs remain consistently on-trend and innovative. Moreover, the environmentally friendly aspect of the service is evident as the displays are reused, establishing a continuous cycle that enhances the value for our customers month after month.
What makes this opportunity even more special is that if you purchase this resale, you will be joining a family of 25 franchisees across the UK who are all in regular contact and support each other. This network of franchisees offers invaluable support, knowledge sharing, and camaraderie, making your journey as a Floral Image franchisee even more fulfilling.
Furthermore, it's essential to note that this is the only current opportunity to buy into Floral Image in the UK right now. There are no new territories available, and given what a great business it is, franchise resales like this one are exceptionally rare.
The day-to-day operations of Floral Image North East are managed by a full-time member of staff, providing the new owner with the option to maintain a similar managerial capacity or increase profitability by taking a more hands-on approach. The business has established an excellent local reputation and boasts a solid foundation of loyal customers who currently rent approximately 300 units with a further 200 floral arrangements in storage.
In 2019, Floral Image conducted a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) comparing the carbon footprint of lifelike flowers to fresh flowers. The results showed that over a 5-year lifespan, Floral Image arrangements have an 80x lower environmental impact, positioning the brand as a sustainable choice in line with the #reusemovement.
This opportunity to acquire a thriving Floral Image franchise should not be missed. Joining this esteemed brand promises a prosperous future while providing a gratifying experience for both the owner and the valued clientele. Don't wait, seize this chance to be part of an exclusive group of franchisees and secure a thriving business with a positive environmental impact.
Greater London, London
Gesendet: 07 Februar 2025, 19:18
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